Need to WOW Your Online Shoppers? Capture Every Product Angle with 360 Degree Photography

With more customers shopping online than ever before, a well-presented image gallery is becoming increasingly important for eCommerce sellers. Without the ability for customers to pick up a product, feel it, and experience all of its details as they would in a brick and mortar store, it is critical that sellers provide their online shoppers with a comparable experience.

Through 360 degree photography and video, your customers can view your products from all angles. In some cases they can even interact with the file to drag, rotate, zoom and more. This provides an engaging online experience, allows a shopper to gain a better understanding of your product, and can lead to increased sales.

360 Still Photography and Seamless Videos

The 360 views of a product can live in an image gallery as individual still photos that showcase the product’s front, back and sides. These images can be used to fill up your online gallery with photos that provide information about the product. Various angles provide the 360 view experience on websites or platforms that do not allow for video integration. Adding text call-outs and infographic elements to these 360 product images can further engage shoppers and re-enforce the value of the product.

When listing your product on your own website or on a marketplace or platform that allows video, multiple images can be encoded together to create a seamless 360 degree image of the product. To create a spinning product video, the product must be placed on a turntable and rotated while multiple shots are taken in succession, capturing the product in all possible angles (25-100 shots are recommended to make the movement as smooth as possible, but you can create a spinning image with as few as four images). These images are then stitched together to create a video in a seamless loop.Video Player00:0800:24

Still 360 degree images and seamless videos work best on marketplaces like Amazon where a dedicated image gallery sits above-the-fold of a product listing and entices a shopper to click to view photos and a video. On Amazon specifically, a video capture of a 360 spin image would be created and uploaded to your image gallery in an .mp4 file format.

Interactive 360 Images

Taking it one step further, 360 product spin videos embedded on your own eCommerce website – or another platform that allows for them – can include interactive components like drag-to-rotate technology that allows a customer to take control of their view of the product. Shoppers can spin to focus in on specific points of interest, which adds another layer of interaction to your product page or website.

Interactive 360 degree images also allow for audio integration. Additional graphic components like text call-outs can be added frame-by-frame to act as interesting pop-ups and provide more information to the customer in an intriguing way.

Why Go 360?

eCommerce is a competitive space and it is important to continue evolving and enhancing the content that is being presented to your online customers. By leveraging 360 photography and spin videos, you give your shoppers the chance to better understand your product and to engage with it in an interesting way. Not only that, but you prove to the market that you can be innovative and able to work with the latest technologies.

At geekspeak, we create interactive and enticing 360 product images and videos using exciting state-of-the-art equipment in our in-house photo studio. Let’s see how we can improve your product pages with better photography.

How to Create Content that Drives Google & Amazon PPC Success

Beyond a foundation of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) expertise and a well-established advertising strategy, content is one of the most important factors that drives ad success. A strong Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign should feature high-quality, engaging and persuasive SEO copywriting in both the ad itself and on its landing page. Here are the top four areas in which quality written content leads to PPC success on Amazon and other channels.

1.  Increased Click-Through Rate (CTR):

Good quality copy on a Google or Amazon PPC ad can help improve your campaign’s click-through rate by up to 161 percent (according to marketing expert Neil Patel, changing a single word can lead to that much of an increase). Persuasive content can lead an online shopper in the direction of your ad over a competitor’s. Well-written copy can also help build trust and brand recognition starting from the first moment a consumer views your ad. According to a recent study by WordStream, the most popular word used in the highest performing ads is “your.” The best ad copy speaks to the consumer directly, providing them with a good reason to purchase your product over that of anyone else.

Working with a professional Amazon Copywriter can give you that extra boost. Learn about our copywriting services here.

2.  Improved Quality Score on Google Ads or Other Platforms:

The Quality Score of a PPC ad is determined by how relevant your keywords, ad copy and landing page content are in the context of one another. A good Quality Score can even decrease your Cost Per Click (CPC) within Google Ads. The goal of advertising platforms like Google Ads or Amazon Advertising is to ensure shoppers are not only viewing ads that are relevant to their search, but that continue to make sense for them as they click through to their final destination – the landing page. Having well thought-out SEO copywriting on your landing page increases your chances of earning a high Quality Score.

Learn about how our PPC management services can help you reach your goals here.

3.  Improved Organic Ranking on Search Engine Results Page (SERP):

With proper SEO tools like keyword research, high quality copywriting on a landing page can also lead to a better organic ranking. Including keywords and phrases with high search volume within your landing page content provides a better chance of showing up at the top of the SERP for a related query. In addition, the more content you have gives you more real estate within organic rankings. A blog is an excellent content tool that builds brand visibility and could encourage shoppers to click on your ad due to the recognition that comes with consistent posting. According to Tech Client, websites that post consistent blogs have an average of 434 percent more pages indexed by search engines than sites without a blog.

geekspeak’s SEO copywriting services include blogs, buying guides, product descriptions and more, all produced with meticulous keyword research to help you rank higher.

4.  Increased Conversion:

On your own eCommerce site or on Amazon, good copywriting can also lead to increased conversion from PPC traffic. The idea here is similar to the points above – if your copy is relevant to the shopper and is written in a way that is persuasive and engaging, then it is more likely that he or she will feel enticed to make a purchase (or fill out a form, request a quote, etc.). According to ABG Essentials, the right content – specifically content marketing – can lead to conversion rates that are six times higher than companies who are not adopting quality content as a strategy.

The proof is in the numbers – with higher conversion rates, click-through rates, Quality Scores and organic rank results, good copy really does make a difference in the success of a PPC campaign. It is critical that advertisers put as much effort into their content as in their overall Google or Amazon PPC strategy. The best way to secure that winning strategy is to work with a trusted PPC management company that delivers both PPC services and copywriting services holistically.

Ready. Set. Scale: How we’re changing ecommerce merchandising with Natural Language Generation (NLG)

To understand why natural language generation (NLG) is on the cusp of becoming the new standard in ecommerce merchandising, you need to understand the concept of natural language.  In the simplest of terms, NLG is a form of Artificial Intelligence; a sub-field of computer science that draws raw data, interprets it, and then presents it back to us not in specs, statistics or graphs but in remarkably articulate human language.

While this in itself is extraordinary, it’s the high rate of speed and staggering volume of product data that NLG systems can process that holds tremendous potential for ecommerce merchandising. We started working on our NLG software (Kopigin: ginnie) with the goal of producing rich, enhanced product content at scale. The results have been impressive.

What Does NLG Mean for Ecommerce?

For ecommerce, the benefits of NLG are exponential. It’s the difference between onboarding 1,000 or 100,000 products in time for a critical retail period. In a highly competitive environment where brands continually compete for wallet share through richer customer experiences and channels that now include mobile, online, and social media, the ability to create and present consistent content can be make-or-break. While one would naturally expect this to impact the more visible touch-points such as branding, imagery and usability, it also trickles down to those all-important product page narratives that are intended to catch the consumer’s eye and drive conversion. The product story has become critical not only for search engines but for the buyer who’s try to determine if this “pair jeans” is perfect for them. The time and expense an organization must dedicate to producing creative content for literally thousands of items and then continually updating this content as new products launch or details changes is considerable.

This is where NLG technology holds its greatest potential.  Its ability to quickly scale up to extraordinary amounts of content including catalogues that may contain millions of SKU numbers is remarkable.  Once in the system, structured item spec data can be converted to high-quality, SEO rich content that delivers millions of unique product descriptions. The speed at which this information can be generated not only makes NLG substantially more cost effective than manual writing but it ensures the brand voice remains strong and consistent throughout.

Getting More From NLG

For NLG, the rapid production of unique content is just the beginning. This technology also offers enormous additional content production capabilities including:

•     Development of themed landing pages. This is ideal for reaching niche markets and driving SEO rankings. Whether its BMX bikes with R7 alloy frame and press-fit BB-86, or sleeveless pink summer tank tops, the level of product attributes an NLG system can be designed to draw from and reproduce as reader- and SEO-friendly content is broad.

•     Customization of individual product pages to highlight specific SKU information (such as price points, sizing, colors, special features and more). NLG not only delivers unique, creative content that speaks specifically to an item feature, but can also change the tone and style of writing for each product category.

•     Generation of customized communication tailored to the specific purchasing patterns of the individual consumer. NLG can produce a conversational message that incorporates item details without the typical “product pitch” language. It doesn’t just recommend a product, it explains in simple language, why it would be a great fit for the consumer.

As the number and rate of products onboarded in the collective “ecommerce” ecosystem grows, the need for intelligent systems that can provide high quality and natural-language content will be even more pronounced. As content experts, here at geekspeak, we’re building and piloting NLG technologies to provide a fast, high quality, and budget-friendly solution to developing high volumes of ecommerce content for our customers. We can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Selling on Amazon? Here’s why you should include Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) pages in your product listing!

Amazon’s EBC (Enhanced Brand Content) pages provide sellers with the ability to provide their customers with enhanced content and images to help influence their buying decisions. Previously available by invite only, Amazon has now made EBC pages avaiable to all third-party sellers. EBC pages provide sellers with the ability to showcase additional product content using one of five templates, similar to Vendor Central and Vendor Express A+ pages. With its growing availability, jumping on EBC content now before it becomes the norm (or potentially, the requirement), will give your product a competitive advantage in the Amazon marketplace.

What’s included in an EBC page:

Choosing the right template for your product will depend on how many features and applications you want to call out. Each text section is accompanied by an image, so regardless of which template you choose, your page will feature rich media content that will help customers make that purchasing decision.

What can Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content do for you?

There are a lot of factors that contribute to a customer clicking “buy” on your Amazon listing. Your basic listing is crucial for helping a customer find and click on your product but once they get to your listing, what is it that convinces them to buy?

This is where Amazon EBC steps in. An Amazon EBC page provides you with that extra retail space to wow your customers and convert them into buyers. Depending on the template you choose, an Amazon EBC page can give you up to 9 additional images and 500-600 words that you can use to tell your brand story and provide customers with the information they need to purchase your product.

EBC pages can work for virtually any product category. For more technical products, a text-rich template like Template 2 or 4 is a good option in order to showcase additional product features and specs to your customer. For less technical products like health and beauty items, a visually appealing template like Template 3 could work, or you can use Template 2 or 4 to showcase applications.

The EBC templates may seem rigid, however, all of the templates are customizable with a little creativity. Here is an example of two EBC pages for two different product categories, both using Template 4:

What can Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content do for your customers?

With more options for images, you can provide customers with inspiration and ideas on how to use your product by providing lifestyle images to help them visualize the benefits of your product.
Text and image modules in the EBC templates provide a variety of ways to highlight key product features that can’t be displayed in depth in your basic listing. It also allows you to combine images with your copy so you can fully explain the feature benefits, making it easier for customers to consume important information that they need to make a purchase.

By providing more information and use-cases to your potential customers, you’re increasing your chances of converting them into buyers. With Amazon quoting an average increase of 3-10% in conversion rates for similar sellers using enhanced content with Vendor Central A+ pages, it’s a no brainer to jump on this rich media retail space.

Should you outsource your product content creation? Yes! Here are 4 great reasons why.

Great content should feel natural. It is clear, concise, and compelling. Expertly presented, it helps convert browsers into buyers. But producing polished, informative content for your eCommerce store on a regular basis takes an enormous amount of time and know-how.

Fortunately, help is at hand! Here are four reasons why you might want to consider outsourcing this vital piece of your e-commerce marketing strategy:

1. Increase cost-effectiveness

Professional, well-written content will drive clicks and conversions. But it’s not just about writing. In today’s competitive environment, eCommerce sites need graphics, videos, and podcasts as well as great photos to go with product descriptions. Outsourcing content creation to an agency means you have access to a large pool of talent – writers, editors, photographers, videographers and so on. It’s difficult to hire the staff able to take on all these tasks, but outsourcing will give you the expertise you need, just when you need it.

2. Put effort where it’s most needed

Your team is busy. They have other duties to complete by the deadline. Tasks that they do well. Creating and managing content is way down on their “To Do” list. Outsourcing content creation means you get a team of professionals immersed in the marketing and content field. Do your employees have the time and knowledge to keep on top of the latest content trends and strategies? Outsourcing may be a good option to tap into the experience of a team of specialists.

3. Guide the buying experience

Consumers like to make informed buying decisions. More information on products equals higher customer satisfaction and lower product returns. Product descriptions are just the start. A team of professionals can put together user and how-to guides in a wide variety of formats, from simple text to fully immersive interactive styles that can support the buying experience. This type of skill tends to be needed at infrequent intervals, so hiring extra employees with the expertise could be a waste of precious marketing dollars.

Outsourcing content creation can be a great way to get the perspective that only a fresh pair of eyes can give. A different angle might just be what’s needed to boost sales of slow-moving items. A diverse team of skilled content creators could revitalize your product content and descriptions, tailoring them to your customers’ needs.

Outsourcing isn’t for every eCommerce store, but if you find you lack the time or expertise to create eye-catching content in-house, partnering with a team of experts who take the time to get to know you and your products might just be the answer. It’s something to consider at your next marketing strategy meeting.

How can SEO drive your e-commerce business?

Not optimizing your site content and product descriptions for search engines such as Google is a bit like not bothering with a sign or a window display for a physical store. There’s no point in selling your products online if no one can find them. Let’s look at three components of SEO that can help drive potential buyers to your e-commerce store:

Keywords are essential in matching your product with a buyer. The more specific the keyword, the higher the chance your product will appear early in search results. Consider using long-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords are more specific and less common than their one or two-word counterparts. They focus on the uniqueness of your product. For example, if you sell dog food, simply using dog food as your keyword is not enough to make you stand out in a crowd. You’ll be one of about 213,000,000 sites using the words dog food. Think about what makes your dog food different.

You may come up with natural, organic, grain-free dog food. Using this long string of text in more places means that if someone is searching for natural, organic, grain-free dog food, your store is more likely to be included in the results.

geekspeak commerce A+ content

Another benefit of long-tail keywords is that, even if those specific words are used less in a normal search, people searching for natural, organic, grain-free dog food and finding your site, are more likely to buy. The longer and more specific the search terms are, the higher the chances of conversion from browser to buyer.

Content is crucial. The content on your e-commerce site needs to be fresh and, above all, unique. Search engines are wary of duplicate content. For example, you could simply copy and paste the manufacturers’ descriptions for your product. But, apart from the fact those descriptions tend to be overly technical or boring, it’s duplicate content and won’t help your search rankings.

Rewrite the product description to make it more appealing to the potential buyer. This is where defining your buyer persona can help. If you know who’s likely to buy from your e-commerce store, you can write a product description almost tailor-made to appeal to them.

Finally, make sure your site is mobile-friendly. While research has shown that not everyone is comfortable making a purchase on their smartphone or tablet, a large percentage of shoppers will at least search for goods and services while on the move. And, beginning in April 2015, Google started to penalize sites that are not mobile-friendly, allowing all those mobile window shoppers to possibly land on a competitor’s site.

There are other important components to SEO, but getting started with these three will see your e-commerce business off and running at a good speed.

5 Things to Consider for Seriously Seductive Product Descriptions

When a customer has to rely on a picture and a few words to make a buying decision, product descriptions become crucial. It’s no longer enough to just describe the product’s features. That short description needs to engage, connect, and sell. Consider these five strategies when developing your eCommerce product descriptions:

1. Know your buyer persona.

Developing a buyer persona, or profile of your target customer results in more cost-effective and stronger marketing. Rather than targeting everyone in general but no one in particular, gather as much information as possible about the customer who buys your product. Knowing the buyer persona allows you to use language they’re used to, place marketing efforts where they’re likely to see them and provide solutions that seem tailor-made to fill their needs.

2. Combine benefits with the features.

A feature is a factual statement about your product. A benefit answers your customer’s question: “What’s in it for me?” Be careful that the benefit isn’t just an elaboration on a feature. For example, maintaining a consistent speed may well be a benefit of cruise control in a car, but what your customer really wants to know is, “How does this help me?” The answer could be: by maintaining a consistent speed, you’ll save on fuel costs. Think about your customer’s needs. How does your product help fill them?

3. Seduce with sensory words.

This is particularly important for eCommerce sites. Research has shown that touching a product increases the desire to own it. Seduce the customer to buy from you by using sensory words. An aromatic candle, a dreamy plush blanket, soft stretch-denim jeans all convey sensory aspects of the product to let the customer imagine smelling, feeling, wearing the product.

4. Create a readable format.

People rarely read every single word on a Web page. They scan the text, picking out individual words and phrases. Make sure your description is easy to read by highlighting keywords, use bullet points, increase the font (particularly if your buyer persona is in an older demographic!), use video or photography, and give the reader lots of white space.

5. Use effective keywords for search engine optimization (SEO).

Finding the right balance between using effective keywords and keeping the product description readable for your customer is never easy. People have a tendency to be pretty specific in their keyword searches, so try to avoid overly general keywords. Search engines dislike duplicate content. Use unique content rather than duplicating the manufacturer’s description, which might even have the result of sending people over to another website!

Your product descriptions may be short, but they need to pack a punch. Know your buyer and try to anticipate the ways your product can help them. Above all, make it easy for customers to find you and buy.