Start Selling Online: Shifting from Brick & Mortar to eCommerce

It’s no secret that the world is changing, and businesses are being forced to change along with it. Organizations large and small have felt the impact of COVID-19 and the changes this pandemic has forced upon the retail sector.

The closure of brick-and-mortar shops has highlighted major gaps in existing sales and distribution models for many, and retailers are being forced to either:

  1. Quickly explore eCommerce as a viable new sales strategy
  2. Optimize their existing eCommerce website to make up for lost sales in-store
  3. Launch an eCommerce website to supplement sales made through Amazon or another marketplace

Understanding this, and hearing many questions from within the industry, our team has developed a free webinar for retailers hoping to launch or optimize their eCommerce sales strategies.

Through this webinar, companies will learn:

  • Key Considerations When Exploring eCommerce
  • How Brick & Mortar and eCommerce Compare
  • The eCommerce Ecosystem
  • Marketplaces and Direct-to-Consumer Websites
  • Merchandising Your Products Online
  • Going Mobile
  • How to Get Started Today

You will leave the session with tangible information you can use to launch an eCommerce website or properly optimize your product content for more organic sales.

Join us on Wednesday, April 22nd at 11am EST for this free virtual session.