How to Create Content that Drives Google & Amazon PPC Success

Beyond a foundation of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) expertise and a well-established advertising strategy, content is one of the most important factors that drives ad success. A strong Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign should feature high-quality, engaging and persuasive SEO copywriting in both the ad itself and on its landing page. Here are the top four areas in which quality written content leads to PPC success on Amazon and other channels.

1.  Increased Click-Through Rate (CTR):

Good quality copy on a Google or Amazon PPC ad can help improve your campaign’s click-through rate by up to 161 percent (according to marketing expert Neil Patel, changing a single word can lead to that much of an increase). Persuasive content can lead an online shopper in the direction of your ad over a competitor’s. Well-written copy can also help build trust and brand recognition starting from the first moment a consumer views your ad. According to a recent study by WordStream, the most popular word used in the highest performing ads is “your.” The best ad copy speaks to the consumer directly, providing them with a good reason to purchase your product over that of anyone else.

Working with a professional Amazon Copywriter can give you that extra boost. Learn about our copywriting services here.

2.  Improved Quality Score on Google Ads or Other Platforms:

The Quality Score of a PPC ad is determined by how relevant your keywords, ad copy and landing page content are in the context of one another. A good Quality Score can even decrease your Cost Per Click (CPC) within Google Ads. The goal of advertising platforms like Google Ads or Amazon Advertising is to ensure shoppers are not only viewing ads that are relevant to their search, but that continue to make sense for them as they click through to their final destination – the landing page. Having well thought-out SEO copywriting on your landing page increases your chances of earning a high Quality Score.

Learn about how our PPC management services can help you reach your goals here.

3.  Improved Organic Ranking on Search Engine Results Page (SERP):

With proper SEO tools like keyword research, high quality copywriting on a landing page can also lead to a better organic ranking. Including keywords and phrases with high search volume within your landing page content provides a better chance of showing up at the top of the SERP for a related query. In addition, the more content you have gives you more real estate within organic rankings. A blog is an excellent content tool that builds brand visibility and could encourage shoppers to click on your ad due to the recognition that comes with consistent posting. According to Tech Client, websites that post consistent blogs have an average of 434 percent more pages indexed by search engines than sites without a blog.

geekspeak’s SEO copywriting services include blogs, buying guides, product descriptions and more, all produced with meticulous keyword research to help you rank higher.

4.  Increased Conversion:

On your own eCommerce site or on Amazon, good copywriting can also lead to increased conversion from PPC traffic. The idea here is similar to the points above – if your copy is relevant to the shopper and is written in a way that is persuasive and engaging, then it is more likely that he or she will feel enticed to make a purchase (or fill out a form, request a quote, etc.). According to ABG Essentials, the right content – specifically content marketing – can lead to conversion rates that are six times higher than companies who are not adopting quality content as a strategy.

The proof is in the numbers – with higher conversion rates, click-through rates, Quality Scores and organic rank results, good copy really does make a difference in the success of a PPC campaign. It is critical that advertisers put as much effort into their content as in their overall Google or Amazon PPC strategy. The best way to secure that winning strategy is to work with a trusted PPC management company that delivers both PPC services and copywriting services holistically.